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Title : Abstracts - Conference on Science and Technology May 2l-22,2018 Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur, Nepal Material Type: printed text Publisher: Kathmandu : NAST Publication Date: 2018 Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Abstracts - Conference on Science and Technology May 2l-22,2018 Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur, Nepal [printed text] . - Kathmandu : NAST, 2018.
Languages : English (eng)
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Title : Abstracts -Ninth National Conference on Science and Technology,June 26-28, 2022, Kathmandu Material Type: printed text Publisher: Kathmandu : NAST Publication Date: 2022 Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Abstracts -Ninth National Conference on Science and Technology,June 26-28, 2022, Kathmandu [printed text] . - Kathmandu : NAST, 2022.
Languages : English (eng)
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Title : Abstracts -Seventh National Conference on Science and Technology, Kathmandu March 29-31, 2016 Material Type: printed text Publisher: Kathmandu : NAST Publication Date: 2016 Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Abstracts -Seventh National Conference on Science and Technology, Kathmandu March 29-31, 2016 [printed text] . - Kathmandu : NAST, 2016.
Languages : English (eng)
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Title : Biological resources laboratory: faculty of science a profile 1986-2011 Material Type: printed text Authors: Vijay Singh, Author Publisher: Kathmandu : NAST Publication Date: 2011 Pagination: 233 p. Languages : English (eng) Link for e-copy: Biological resources laboratory: faculty of science a profile 1986-2011 [printed text] / Vijay Singh, Author . - Kathmandu : NAST, 2011 . - 233 p.
Languages : English (eng)
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Title : Building Knowledge for Climate Resilience in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Dinesh Raj Bhuju, Editor Publisher: Kathmandu : NAST Publication Date: 2016 Pagination: 169p ISBN (or other code): 978-9937-0-1769-5 Languages : English (eng) Keywords: Climate Change Nepal Building Knowledge for Climate Resilience in Nepal [printed text] / Dinesh Raj Bhuju, Editor . - Kathmandu : NAST, 2016 . - 169p.
ISBN : 978-9937-0-1769-5
Languages : English (eng)
Keywords: Climate Change Nepal Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 6131 BHU Books nast Document Available 6132 BHU Books nast Document Available Capacity building and management of science, technology and innovation (STI) policies in Nepal - final report / Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
PermalinkCompilation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and national/international Institutions
PermalinkPermalinkEfficacy and Soil Respiration in Different Treatments of Biochar-final report submitted to NAST / Sagun Parajuli
PermalinkEV-K2-CNR project on assessment of nutritive value of some wild edible mushrooms of Sagarmatha National Park / P. Rana
PermalinkFinal report knowledge of local people on climate change and adaptation practice in Kailali district / Lal Bahadur Thapa Magar
PermalinkFinal Report On An Overview of Analytical Services Provided By Natural Products Research Laboratory (2065/2066) / Dinesh Maharjan
PermalinkFinal Report On An Overview of Analytical Services Provided By Natural Products Research Laboratory (2066/2067) / Bijaya Laxmi Maharjan
PermalinkFinal Report On An Overview of Analytical Services Provided By Natural Products Research Laboratory (2068/2069) / Kritu Panta
PermalinkFinal report on Pharmacological study of Nepalese medicinal plants for anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities / Sharada Thapaliya
PermalinkFinal report on "Research activities on Renewable Energies and Metal-craft Technologies" / Sanjay Rajbhandari
PermalinkFinal report on Science Teaching Equipment Fabrication and Experimentation (Asad 18 - 22, 2064) (Workshop for Secondary Level Science Teachers) Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal
PermalinkFinal Report on Technological Solution to Mitigate Effect of Dust on Solar PV Panels- Case Study of Street Lighting in Kathmandu / Shree Raj Shakya
PermalinkFinal Report on Technological Solution to Mitigate Effect of Dust on Solar PV Panels- Case Study of Street Lighting in Kathmandu / Shree Raj Shakya
PermalinkFirst-principles study of environmentally significant substances like methane hydrate (C H4 - H20) clathrates / Narayan Prasad Adhikari
PermalinkFirst progress report of Ph.D. Research on Geological and Petrological evolution of the Lesser Himalaya between Muglin and Damauli Central Nepal / Kabiraj Paudyal
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkIinvestigation of some medicinal plants used in pharmaceuticals and dietary plants used in nutraceuticals for their polyphenols content and antioxidant activity - project report / Meena Rajbhandari
PermalinkImpact assessment of affected areas of Okharpauwa landfill site / Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkInvestigation of soil parameters for their corrosivity on buried galvanized steel pipelines used in Kathmandu valley / J. Bhattarai
PermalinkInvitro removal of toxic metals from leachate of Sisdol landfill site using microorganisms final report submitted to NAST / Ramesh Pun
PermalinkIsolation of Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium and Mycorrhiza Sp, Development of lnoculum and its Effect on Yield of Lentil (Lens culanaris L.) and Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan L.) / Nabin Bhattarai
PermalinkKeeping records of and promote indigenous technologies and practices in Nepal / Royal Nepal Academy of Science & Technology , RONAST , Kathmandu , Nepal
PermalinkA laboratory scale synthesis of geopolymer from construction waste- a final project report / Vinaya Kumar Jha
PermalinkMolecular authentication of Ophiocordyceps sinensis: an endemic medicinal fungus of Nepal Himalaya- a final report submitted to NAST / Bikash Baral
PermalinkPermalinkMolecular characterization of Microorganisms and Medicinal plants of Nepal , Final Report 2067 /2068 / Pawan Parajuli
PermalinkPermalinkNAST Communicator
PermalinkPermalinkNepal Journal of Science and Technology
PermalinkOne Day Seminar on "Empowering of Biological Science in 21st Century in Nepal 17th Baisakh 2070 (April 30th 213) Khumaltar, Lalitpur-proceedings of the seminar / Prakash Raut
PermalinkPhysico-chemical and microbiological analysis of drinking water of Kathmandu valley / Larensa Shrestha
PermalinkPhytochemical and Biological Screening of Medicinal Plant Heartwood of Acacia catechu of Nepalese Origin - final report / Susan Joshi
PermalinkPhytochemical and biological studies on holly plant desmostachya bipinnata (kush) of Nepalese origin / Jagjit Kour
PermalinkPhytochemical Investigation and Bioactivity Evaluation of an Important Medicinal Plant of Parbat District, Nepal / Krishna P. Devkota
PermalinkPermalinkPine needle over a coal: clean air through biomass briquetting- final report submitted to NAST / Sudip Pandey
PermalinkPermalinkPreparation and characterization of zinc oxide, aluminum doped zinc oxide and titanium dioxide thin films from homemade device-a final report submitted to NAST / Deepenra Das Mulmi
PermalinkPermalinkPrevalence of Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) in Hospital (clinical) Wastes / Roshani Maharjan
PermalinkProceedings of the 4th National Conference on Science and Technology' Kathmandu, Nepal ,March 23-26, 2004, volume 2
PermalinkProceedings of the 4th National Conference on Science and Technology' Kathmandu, Nepal ,March 23-26, 2004, volume 2
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkProceedings of the seminar on 'Mushroom Consumption and Poisoning Risk" 14thJanuary, 2014 (30thPaush, 2070) Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal / Jay Kant Raut
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkProceedings of Third National Conference on Science and Technology in Kathmandu, March 8-11, 1999, Volume 1
PermalinkProceedings of Third National Conference on Science and Technology in Kathmandu, March 8-11, 1999, Volume 2
PermalinkA project report on mathematical study of two dimensional temperature distribution in human dermal part / D. B. Gurung
PermalinkPermalinkProposal on improvement in fruit quality and post harvest handling practices for effective marketing of mandarin (citrus reticulata blanco) / Pradeep Raj Rokaya
PermalinkPermalinkRegeneration of some Nepalese spring wheat cultivars via somatic embryo genesis of immature embryo derived calli / Tribikram Bhattarai
PermalinkA report on Identification of bioactive compound from rare medicinal herbs of Nepal and use them as food composite / Janardan Lamichhane
PermalinkReport on Launching Occupational Radiation Dosimetry Service Using Thermo-luminescent Dosimetry (TLD) in Nepal, organized by NAST., 29 November 2016
PermalinkReport The second National Science Exhibition: Science Expo-2011 , 7th to 11th February Central Department of Physics, T.U, Kirtipur, Kathmandu / Bhumi Shankar Bhusal
PermalinkReport of the Seminar on "Development of Pharmaceutical Sector and its Challenges"., (14 May, 2010 Kathmandu) / PANT. B.R.
PermalinkReport of Seminar on Occupational Radiation Protection and Dosimetry & Launching of Dosimetry Service in Province No. 1, Nobel Medical College, Kanchanbari, Biratnagar 20 September, 2018
PermalinkReport of Workshop nn "Science Teaching Equipment - Fabrication and Experimentation" for Secondary Level Science Teachers at Educational Training Center (ETC) Dipayal, Doti, Nepal (Jestha, 12-16, 2066) (May 26-30, 2009
PermalinkReport of Workshop on "Science Teaching Equipment - Fabrication and Experimentation" for Secondary Level Science Teachers at Educational Training Center (ETC) Tulsipur, Dang, Nepal (Push, 7-11, 2065) (Dec.22-26,2008)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkScreening Glassland Flora of Nepal against allelopathic effects of alien invasive Parathenium hysterophors L.-final report / Bharat Babu Shrestha
PermalinkPermalinkA Study on Lake Morphology and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Kalchuman (Kai) Tai, Manasalu Conservation Area.- final report submitted to NAST / Pawan Kumar Neupane
PermalinkA Study on Quality of Different Water Sources at Different Season of Kathmandu Valley / Neel Kamal Koju
PermalinkTomato research: characterization and selection of high yielding stress tolerant and resistant varieties of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) / Nav Raj Adhikari