Class number details
Library items with class number 351.8

Chhetriya Bikas Guru Yojanako aadharbhut Pachhya 2047-2057 / National Planing Commission , Kathmandu , Nepal
Title : Chhetriya Bikas Guru Yojanako aadharbhut Pachhya 2047-2057 Material Type: printed text Authors: National Planing Commission , Kathmandu , Nepal Publisher: Kathmandu : National Planning Commision Publication Date: 2046 Bs Pagination: 80p. , Includes Tables &Figures Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Regional Development National Programme Class number: 351.8 Chhetriya Bikas Guru Yojanako aadharbhut Pachhya 2047-2057 [printed text] / National Planing Commission , Kathmandu , Nepal . - Kathmandu : National Planning Commision, 2046 Bs . - 80p. , Includes Tables &Figures.
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Regional Development National Programme Class number: 351.8 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2188 351.818 NPC Book nast CIR Available Comparative Study on the National Science & Technology Policy Making Bodies in the Countries of Eastern & Southern africa / , UNESCO , Paris , France
Title : Comparative Study on the National Science & Technology Policy Making Bodies in the Countries of Eastern & Southern africa Material Type: printed text Authors: , UNESCO , Paris , France Publisher: Paris : UNESCO Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: 186p. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-3-002470-3 Keywords: Science Policy National S T Policy Making Bodies Southern Africa Eastafrica Class number: 351.8 Comparative Study on the National Science & Technology Policy Making Bodies in the Countries of Eastern & Southern africa [printed text] / , UNESCO , Paris , France . - Paris : UNESCO, 1987 . - 186p.
ISBN : 978-92-3-002470-3
Keywords: Science Policy National S T Policy Making Bodies Southern Africa Eastafrica Class number: 351.8 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2613 351.8556 UNE Book nast CIR Available Manual on the National Budgeting of Scientific and Technological activities
Title : Manual on the National Budgeting of Scientific and Technological activities Material Type: printed text Publisher: Paris : UNESCO Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: 273p. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-3-101927-2 Keywords: S T Policy S T Activities National S T Budget Class number: 351.8 Manual on the National Budgeting of Scientific and Technological activities [printed text] . - Paris : UNESCO, 1984 . - 273p.
ISBN : 978-92-3-101927-2
Keywords: S T Policy S T Activities National S T Budget Class number: 351.8 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy
Title : Method for Priority Determination in Science & Technology Material Type: printed text Authors: , UNESCO , Paris , France Publisher: Paris : UNESCO Publication Date: 198=78 Pagination: 79p. ISBN (or other code): 92-3-101485 Keywords: Science Policy Science And Technology S T Activities Developing Countries Class number: 351.8 Method for Priority Determination in Science & Technology [printed text] / , UNESCO , Paris , France . - Paris : UNESCO, 198=78 . - 79p.
ISSN : 92-3-101485
Keywords: Science Policy Science And Technology S T Activities Developing Countries Class number: 351.8 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy National Laboratories and Public Research Organizations in Japan / Research Development Cooperation in Japan JRDC Kawaguchi Japan
Title : National Laboratories and Public Research Organizations in Japan Material Type: printed text Authors: Research Development Cooperation in Japan JRDC Kawaguchi Japan Publisher: Kawaguchi : JRDC Pagination: 221p. Keywords: Laboratories Research Organization Class number: 351.8 National Laboratories and Public Research Organizations in Japan [printed text] / Research Development Cooperation in Japan JRDC Kawaguchi Japan . - Kawaguchi : JRDC, [s.d.] . - 221p.
Keywords: Laboratories Research Organization Class number: 351.8 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3318 351.85552 JAP Book nast CIR Available PermalinkPermalinkNational Science Policies of the Usa: Origins , Development and Present Status / United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization , UNESCO , Paris , France
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkNepal-india Business and industry
PermalinkProceedings of the Seminar on National Science and Technology Policy and involvement of Young Scientist in Nation Building / SANAT KUMAR SHARMA
PermalinkProceedings of the Us Japan Science Policy Seminar
PermalinkScience Policy and Organization of Research in the Federal Republic of Germany / , UNESCO , Paris , France
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkScience & Technology in Countries of asia and the Pacific Policies , Organization and Resources / United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization , UNESCO , Paris , France
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkUnesco activities in the Field of Science and Technology in the arab Region / , UNESCO , Paris , France
PermalinkUnesco/Rctt Meeting of Experts in Training and Research in Science & Technology Policy (Banglore , india 12-15 December 1983 / UNESCO/ROSTSEA , Jakarta , Indonesia