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Committee on Science & Technology in Developing Countries
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Title : Dna Probes and Detection inborn Errors of Metabolism Developing Countries Material Type: printed text Authors: Rita Sarkar ; Brain Fowler ; Old. John M.(ed.) Publisher: Madra : Committee on Science & Technology in Developing Countries Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: 126p. Languages : (Eng) Descriptors: Art et culture:-
Zones géographiques:-Keywords: Dna Analysis Genetic Engineering Molecular Genetics Class number: 574.8 Dna Probes and Detection inborn Errors of Metabolism Developing Countries [printed text] / Rita Sarkar ; Brain Fowler ; Old. John M.(ed.) . - Madra : Committee on Science & Technology in Developing Countries, 1987 . - 126p.
Languages : (Eng)
Descriptors: Art et culture:-
Zones géographiques:-Keywords: Dna Analysis Genetic Engineering Molecular Genetics Class number: 574.8 Copies (1)
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