Author details
Author Helmut Muche |
Available item(s) by this author

Title : The Purification of Biogas Material Type: printed text Authors: Helmut Muche ; Harald Zimmermann Publisher: Eschbron : GATE Publication Date: 1985 Pagination: 34p. , Illus Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Descriptors: Sciences humaines:Communication et Information:- Keywords: Biogas Renewable Resouces Class number: 333.7 The Purification of Biogas [printed text] / Helmut Muche ; Harald Zimmermann . - Eschbron : GATE, 1985 . - 34p. , Illus.
Languages : (Eng) French (fre)
Descriptors: Sciences humaines:Communication et Information:- Keywords: Biogas Renewable Resouces Class number: 333.7 Copies (1)
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