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Library items with class number 629.8
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Linear Control Syatem analysis and Design / John Joachim AZZO
Title : Linear Control Syatem analysis and Design Material Type: printed text Authors: John Joachim AZZO Publisher: New York : McGraw Hill Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: Xvi ,751p. , Includes Index ISBN (or other code): 978-0-07-016183-2 Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Automatic Control Control Theory Class number: 629.8 Linear Control Syatem analysis and Design [printed text] / John Joachim AZZO . - New York : McGraw Hill, 1981 . - Xvi ,751p. , Includes Index.
ISBN : 978-0-07-016183-2
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Automatic Control Control Theory Class number: 629.8 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2454 629.8'23 DAZ Book nast CIR Available Robotics , an introduction / Douglas R. Malcdm
Title : Robotics , an introduction Material Type: printed text Authors: Douglas R. Malcdm Pagination: 368p. , Illus ISBN (or other code): 0-534-04752-L Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Original Language : English (eng) Descriptors: Vie pratique:-:Aliments:- Keywords: Robotics Class number: 629.8 Robotics , an introduction [printed text] / Douglas R. Malcdm . - [s.d.] . - 368p. , Illus.
ISSN : 0-534-04752-L
Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Original Language : English (eng)
Descriptors: Vie pratique:-:Aliments:- Keywords: Robotics Class number: 629.8 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 1995 629.8'92 MAL Book nast CIR Available Structural Changes in the automobile & Componeuts industry During the 1990s Particular Reference to Developing Countries / United Nation Conference on Trade & Development , UNCTAD , Geneva , Switzerland
Title : Structural Changes in the automobile & Componeuts industry During the 1990s Particular Reference to Developing Countries Material Type: printed text Authors: United Nation Conference on Trade & Development , UNCTAD , Geneva , Switzerland Publisher: Geneva : UNCTAD Publication Date: 1990 Pagination: 37p. Keywords: Automobiles Structural Changes Developing Countries Class number: 629.8 Structural Changes in the automobile & Componeuts industry During the 1990s Particular Reference to Developing Countries [printed text] / United Nation Conference on Trade & Development , UNCTAD , Geneva , Switzerland . - Geneva : UNCTAD, 1990 . - 37p.
Keywords: Automobiles Structural Changes Developing Countries Class number: 629.8 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy The World Yearbook of Robotics Research and Development
Title : The World Yearbook of Robotics Research and Development Material Type: printed text Publisher: London : Kogan page Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: 583p. , .Illus. ISBN (or other code): 978-1-85091-106-7 Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Robots Robotics Research Yearbooks Class number: 629.8 The World Yearbook of Robotics Research and Development [printed text] . - London : Kogan page, 1986 . - 583p. , .Illus.
ISBN : 978-1-85091-106-7
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Robots Robotics Research Yearbooks Class number: 629.8 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2055 629.892 SCO Book nast CIR Available