Author details
Author Agrawal Govind Ram |
Available item(s) by this author

Development of Human Resources Population Policies and Manpower and Employment Policies , Country Paper : Nepal / Agrawal Govind Ram
Title : Development of Human Resources Population Policies and Manpower and Employment Policies , Country Paper : Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Agrawal Govind Ram ; Kayastha Narendra Publisher: Kathmandu : CEDA Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: Ii , 72p. , Tables Languages : (Ger) Keywords: Human Resources-Nepal Employment-Nepal Population Policy-Nepal Class number: 331.1 Development of Human Resources Population Policies and Manpower and Employment Policies , Country Paper : Nepal [printed text] / Agrawal Govind Ram ; Kayastha Narendra . - Kathmandu : CEDA, 1984 . - Ii , 72p. , Tables.
Languages : (Ger)
Keywords: Human Resources-Nepal Employment-Nepal Population Policy-Nepal Class number: 331.1 Copies (1)
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