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Author Narayan Shrestha |
Available item(s) by this author

Title : Aarthik Yen -Niyam Sanghara Material Type: printed text Authors: Narayan Shrestha Publisher: Kathmandu : Paraibi Prakashan Publication Date: 2066 Pagination: 229 P Keywords: Finance Economy Nepal Class number: 352.4 Aarthik Yen -Niyam Sanghara [printed text] / Narayan Shrestha . - Kathmandu : Paraibi Prakashan, 2066 . - 229 P.
Keywords: Finance Economy Nepal Class number: 352.4 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5086 , 5087 352.4 SHR Book nast CIR Available
Title : Arthik Yen Niyam Sangraha Material Type: printed text Authors: Narayan Shrestha Publisher: Nepal Publication Date: 2065 Pagination: 229p. Keywords: Economy Law And Policy Nepal Class number: 352.4 Arthik Yen Niyam Sangraha [printed text] / Narayan Shrestha . - [S.l.] : Nepal, 2065 . - 229p.
Keywords: Economy Law And Policy Nepal Class number: 352.4 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5036 352.4 SHR Book nast CIR Available
Title : Nijamati Sewa Yen 2049 Tatha Nijamati Sewa Nyamawali , 2050. Material Type: printed text Authors: Narayan Shrestha Publisher: Kathmandu : Pairavi Prakashan Publication Date: 2067 Pagination: 291p. Keywords: Niijamati Sewa Yen Nepal Class number: 352.6 Nijamati Sewa Yen 2049 Tatha Nijamati Sewa Nyamawali , 2050. [printed text] / Narayan Shrestha . - Kathmandu : Pairavi Prakashan, 2067 . - 291p.
Keywords: Niijamati Sewa Yen Nepal Class number: 352.6 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 5221 352.63 SHR Book nast CIR Available
Title : Sarbajanik Harid Yen , 2063 Ra Sarbajanik Kharid Niyamawal 2064 Material Type: printed text Authors: Narayan Shrestha Publisher: Kathmandu : Parabi Prakashan Publication Date: 2064 Pagination: 130p. Keywords: Public Finance Public Law Nepal Class number: 342.0 Sarbajanik Harid Yen , 2063 Ra Sarbajanik Kharid Niyamawal 2064 [printed text] / Narayan Shrestha . - Kathmandu : Parabi Prakashan, 2064 . - 130p.
Keywords: Public Finance Public Law Nepal Class number: 342.0 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4865-4867 342.03 SHR Book nast CIR Available