Author details
Author Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France |
Available item(s) by this author

Directory of Development Research and Training institutes in africa / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France
Title : Directory of Development Research and Training institutes in africa Material Type: printed text Authors: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France Publisher: Paris : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Publication Date: 1986 Pagination: 262p Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Economic Institutions Research Institutions Africa Directories Class number: R306. Directory of Development Research and Training institutes in africa [printed text] / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France . - Paris : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1986 . - 262p.
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Economic Institutions Research Institutions Africa Directories Class number: R306. Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D1435 R306.3 OEC Book nast Ref Available Managing Urban Change Vol Ii : the Role of Government / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France
Title : Managing Urban Change Vol Ii : the Role of Government Material Type: printed text Authors: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France Publisher: Paris : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: 114p. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-64-12478-3 Keywords: Urban Planning Urban Housing Class number: 307.2 Managing Urban Change Vol Ii : the Role of Government [printed text] / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , OECD , Paris , France . - Paris : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1983 . - 114p.
ISBN : 978-92-64-12478-3
Keywords: Urban Planning Urban Housing Class number: 307.2 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy