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Title : Cloud forests in the Humid Tropics: a Bibliographic Review Material Type: printed text Authors: Thomas Stadtmuller Publisher: Tokyo : UNU Publication Date: 1987 Pagination: 81p. , Illus ISBN (or other code): 92-808-0670-X Keywords: Forestry Tropical Zone Class number: 634.9 Cloud forests in the Humid Tropics: a Bibliographic Review [printed text] / Thomas Stadtmuller . - Tokyo : UNU, 1987 . - 81p. , Illus.
ISBN : 92-808-0670-X
Keywords: Forestry Tropical Zone Class number: 634.9 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2155 634.97 STD Book nast CIR Available Nepal: a Himalayan Kingdom in Transition. / Pradumna P. United Nations University Press Tokyo , japaanKaran
Title : Nepal: a Himalayan Kingdom in Transition. Material Type: printed text Authors: Pradumna P. United Nations University Press Tokyo , japaanKaran ; Hiroshi Ishii Publisher: Tokyo : UNU Publication Date: 1996 Pagination: 334p. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-808-0924-4 Keywords: Geography Nepal Class number: 915.5 Nepal: a Himalayan Kingdom in Transition. [printed text] / Pradumna P. United Nations University Press Tokyo , japaanKaran ; Hiroshi Ishii . - Tokyo : UNU, 1996 . - 334p.
ISBN : 978-92-808-0924-4
Keywords: Geography Nepal Class number: 915.5 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy
Title : Social , Economic and institutional aspects of agro forestry Material Type: printed text Authors: J.K. (ed.) Jackson Publisher: Tokyo : UNU Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: 96p. Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Agro-Forestry-Social Aspects Agro-Forestry-Economic Aspects Class number: 634.9 Social , Economic and institutional aspects of agro forestry [printed text] / J.K. (ed.) Jackson . - Tokyo : UNU, 1984 . - 96p.
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Agro-Forestry-Social Aspects Agro-Forestry-Economic Aspects Class number: 634.9 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 351 634.9 JAC Book nast CIR Available