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Kathmandu, Nepal, Mid-West University |
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Scholostic Endeavor Amidst the COVID-19 Pandamic; Proceedings of the MICD Webinars. / Subedi, Daya Raj
Title : Scholostic Endeavor Amidst the COVID-19 Pandamic; Proceedings of the MICD Webinars. Material Type: printed text Authors: Subedi, Daya Raj, Author ; Rabin Malla, Author Publisher: Kathmandu, Nepal, Mid-West University Publication Date: 2021 Pagination: 134p ISBN (or other code): 978-9937-1-1143-0 Languages : English (eng) Class number: 303.485 Scholostic Endeavor Amidst the COVID-19 Pandamic; Proceedings of the MICD Webinars. [printed text] / Subedi, Daya Raj, Author ; Rabin Malla, Author . - [S.l.] : Kathmandu, Nepal, Mid-West University, 2021 . - 134p.
ISBN : 978-9937-1-1143-0
Languages : English (eng)
Class number: 303.485 Hold
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