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Grils in Science and Technology Education: a Study on access , Practipation and Performance of Girls in Nepal / Bidyanath Koirala
Title : Grils in Science and Technology Education: a Study on access , Practipation and Performance of Girls in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Bidyanath Koirala ; Sushan Acharya Publisher: Lalitpur : UNESCO Publication Date: 2005 Pagination: 137p. Keywords: Girls Education Science Education Nepal Class number: 371.8 Grils in Science and Technology Education: a Study on access , Practipation and Performance of Girls in Nepal [printed text] / Bidyanath Koirala ; Sushan Acharya . - Lalitpur : UNESCO, 2005 . - 137p.
Keywords: Girls Education Science Education Nepal Class number: 371.8 Copies (1)
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