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Author Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal |
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Aayakar Eain 2031 Tatha aayakar Niymabali 2039 Halsamma Ko Sansodhan Sahit Milaeko Rupma / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal
Title : Aayakar Eain 2031 Tatha aayakar Niymabali 2039 Halsamma Ko Sansodhan Sahit Milaeko Rupma Material Type: printed text Authors: Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Law & Justice Publication Date: B.S.2039 Pagination: 56p. Keywords: Laws Income Taxes Nepal Class number: 343.0 Aayakar Eain 2031 Tatha aayakar Niymabali 2039 Halsamma Ko Sansodhan Sahit Milaeko Rupma [printed text] / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Law & Justice, B.S.2039 . - 56p.
Keywords: Laws Income Taxes Nepal Class number: 343.0 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy
Title : Karar Sambandhi Eain 2023 Material Type: printed text Authors: Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Law and Justice Publication Date: B.S. 2035 Pagination: 8p. Keywords: Contractual Law Vivis Law Nepal Class number: 346.0 Karar Sambandhi Eain 2023 [printed text] / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Law and Justice, B.S. 2035 . - 8p.
Keywords: Contractual Law Vivis Law Nepal Class number: 346.0 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy
Title : Nepal adhirajyako Sambidhan 2047 Material Type: printed text Authors: Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Law and Justic Publication Date: B.S. 2047 Pagination: 182p. Keywords: Constitution Nepal Class number: 342.0 Nepal adhirajyako Sambidhan 2047 [printed text] / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Law and Justic, B.S. 2047 . - 182p.
Keywords: Constitution Nepal Class number: 342.0 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2477 342.023 KKB Book nast CIR Available Nepal Eain Sangrah 2041 Prashawan Ra aantarik Surachha Tatha Sena Sambandhi Eain Haru Ma Hal Samma Bhayeka Samsodhan Sahit Milaeyeko Rupma / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal
Title : Nepal Eain Sangrah 2041 Prashawan Ra aantarik Surachha Tatha Sena Sambandhi Eain Haru Ma Hal Samma Bhayeka Samsodhan Sahit Milaeyeko Rupma Material Type: printed text Authors: Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Law and Justice Publication Date: B.S.2041 Pagination: 258p. Keywords: Adinistrative Law Defence Law Military Law Nepal Class number: 342.0 Nepal Eain Sangrah 2041 Prashawan Ra aantarik Surachha Tatha Sena Sambandhi Eain Haru Ma Hal Samma Bhayeka Samsodhan Sahit Milaeyeko Rupma [printed text] / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Law and Justice, B.S.2041 . - 258p.
Keywords: Adinistrative Law Defence Law Military Law Nepal Class number: 342.0 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy
Title : Nepal Eain Sangraha Khand 1 2038 Material Type: printed text Authors: Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal Publisher: Kathmandu : Ministry of Law & Justice Publication Date: B.S.2038 Pagination: 151p. Keywords: Laws Nepal Class number: 348 Nepal Eain Sangraha Khand 1 2038 [printed text] / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal . - Kathmandu : Ministry of Law & Justice, B.S.2038 . - 151p.
Keywords: Laws Nepal Class number: 348 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 71 348 KKB Book nast CIR Available Nepal Eain Sangraha Khand (2) 2039 Panchayat Bargiya Ra Byabsaek Sangthan Tatha Nirbachan Sambandhi Eain Haruma Hal Samma Bhayeka Sansodhan Sahit Milaeyeko Pupma / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkNepal Nijamati Sewwa Eain 2031 Tatha Nijamati Sewa Niymamawali 2021 Hal Sammako Sansodhan Sahit / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal
PermalinkNepal Niyam Samgraha Khand 9 Standard Naptaul Niyam Haru Lagayat anya Bibidh Niyam Haru / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal
PermalinkNepal Niyam Sangraha Khand 2 2038 Panchayat Sambandhi Niyam Haru Ma Halal Samma Bhayeka Sansodhan Samet Milayeko Rupma / Kanun Kitab Byabstha Samiti , KKBS , Kathmandu , Nepal