Author details
Author Liliana Acero |
Available item(s) by this author

Textile Workers in Brazil and argentina : Study of the interrelationships Between Work and Household / Liliana Acero
Title : Textile Workers in Brazil and argentina : Study of the interrelationships Between Work and Household Material Type: printed text Authors: Liliana Acero Publisher: Tokyo : The United Nations University Press Publication Date: 1991 Pagination: 305p. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-808-0753-0 Keywords: Labour Power Workers Brazil Argentina Class number: 331.7 Textile Workers in Brazil and argentina : Study of the interrelationships Between Work and Household [printed text] / Liliana Acero . - Tokyo : The United Nations University Press, 1991 . - 305p.
ISBN : 978-92-808-0753-0
Keywords: Labour Power Workers Brazil Argentina Class number: 331.7 Copies (1)
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