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Title : Feyman'S Lost Lecture : the Motions of the Plants around the Sun Material Type: printed text Authors: David L. Goodstein ; Judith R. Goodstein Publisher: London : Vintage Publication Date: 1997 Pagination: 191 P. ISBN (or other code): 978-0-09-973621-9 Keywords: Story Telling Literature Class number: 808.5 Feyman'S Lost Lecture : the Motions of the Plants around the Sun [printed text] / David L. Goodstein ; Judith R. Goodstein . - London : Vintage, 1997 . - 191 P.
ISBN : 978-0-09-973621-9
Keywords: Story Telling Literature Class number: 808.5 Copies (1)
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Title : Impossibility the Imits of Science and the Science of Limts. Material Type: printed text Authors: John D. Barrow Publisher: London : Vintage Publication Date: 1999 Pagination: 279p ISBN (or other code): 978-0-09-977211-8 Keywords: Philosophy Science Class number: 501 Impossibility the Imits of Science and the Science of Limts. [printed text] / John D. Barrow . - London : Vintage, 1999 . - 279p.
ISBN : 978-0-09-977211-8
Keywords: Philosophy Science Class number: 501 Copies
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Title : Theories of Energy Thing the Quest for Ultimate Explanation Material Type: printed text Authors: John D. Barow Publisher: London : Vintage Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 223 P. ISBN (or other code): 978-0-09-998380-4 Keywords: Cosmology Universe Class number: 113 Theories of Energy Thing the Quest for Ultimate Explanation [printed text] / John D. Barow . - London : Vintage, 1992 . - 223 P.
ISBN : 978-0-09-998380-4
Keywords: Cosmology Universe Class number: 113 Copies
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