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Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Asia MAPPA/IDRC
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A Study on Marketing Opportunities for Medicinal , aromatic and Dye Plants in South asia / Arun Nagpal
Title : A Study on Marketing Opportunities for Medicinal , aromatic and Dye Plants in South asia Material Type: printed text Authors: Arun Nagpal ; Karki Madhav Publisher: Kathmandu : Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Asia MAPPA/IDRC Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: 114 P. Keywords: Medicinal Plants Aromatic Plants Marketing Idrc Class number: 581.6 A Study on Marketing Opportunities for Medicinal , aromatic and Dye Plants in South asia [printed text] / Arun Nagpal ; Karki Madhav . - Kathmandu : Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Asia MAPPA/IDRC, 2004 . - 114 P.
Keywords: Medicinal Plants Aromatic Plants Marketing Idrc Class number: 581.6 Copies (1)
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