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Sukunda Pustak Bhawan
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Title : Concise Soil Chemistry Material Type: printed text Authors: Deepak Dhakal Publisher: Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan Publication Date: 2007 Pagination: 416 P. ISBN (or other code): 978-99946-766-6-8 Keywords: Soil Chemistry Class number: 331.4 Concise Soil Chemistry [printed text] / Deepak Dhakal . - Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, 2007 . - 416 P.
ISBN : 978-99946-766-6-8
Keywords: Soil Chemistry Class number: 331.4 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4849 , 4850 331.41 DHA Book nast CIR Available
Title : Elemintary Linear algebra Material Type: printed text Authors: R M Shrestha ; S Bajracharya Publisher: Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 219p. Keywords: Linear Algebra Class number: 512.5 Elemintary Linear algebra [printed text] / R M Shrestha ; S Bajracharya . - Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, 1995 . - 219p.
Keywords: Linear Algebra Class number: 512.5 Copies
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Title : Fundamentals of Mathematical analysis Material Type: printed text Authors: Shrestha R M Publisher: Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan Publication Date: 1994 Pagination: 191p. Keywords: Mathematical Analysis Set Theory Class number: 511 Fundamentals of Mathematical analysis [printed text] / Shrestha R M . - Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, 1994 . - 191p.
Keywords: Mathematical Analysis Set Theory Class number: 511 Copies
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Title : A Text Book of Vector analysis Material Type: printed text Authors: M. B. Singh ; B. C. Bajracharya Publisher: Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan Publication Date: 2056 Pagination: 168p. Keywords: Vector Analysis Class number: 515.6 A Text Book of Vector analysis [printed text] / M. B. Singh ; B. C. Bajracharya . - Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, 2056 . - 168p.
Keywords: Vector Analysis Class number: 515.6 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4283 , 4284 515.633 SIN Book nast CIR Available
Title : A Textbook of Three Dimensional Geometry Material Type: printed text Authors: Y. R. Sthapit ; B. C. Bajracharya Publisher: Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan Publication Date: 2057 Pagination: 167p. Keywords: Analytic Geometry Class number: 516.3 A Textbook of Three Dimensional Geometry [printed text] / Y. R. Sthapit ; B. C. Bajracharya . - Kathmandu : Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, 2057 . - 167p.
Keywords: Analytic Geometry Class number: 516.3 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4313 516.3 STA Book nast CIR Available