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Author Krishna Prasad Rimal |
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Title : A Social and Psycial and Psychiatric Study of Mental Illness in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Dhrub Man Shrestha ; Alfred Pach III ; Krishna Prasad Rimal Publisher: Kathmandu : handicapped services coordiantion committee (HSCC) Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: 50p. Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Mental Illness Psychiatry Nepal Class number: 362.2 A Social and Psycial and Psychiatric Study of Mental Illness in Nepal [printed text] / Dhrub Man Shrestha ; Alfred Pach III ; Krishna Prasad Rimal . - Kathmandu : handicapped services coordiantion committee (HSCC), 1983 . - 50p.
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Mental Illness Psychiatry Nepal Class number: 362.2 Copies (1)
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