Author details
Author Janusz Kuczynski |
Available item(s) by this author

Methods of Teaching Physics (Secondary and Tertiary Levels)
Title : Methods of Teaching Physics (Secondary and Tertiary Levels) Material Type: printed text Authors: Janusz Kuczynski, Author ; Boubakar Eisenstadt, Illustrator ; Lotika Sarkar, Conductor Publisher: Khonkain : Khonkaen University Publication Date: 1982 Pagination: 395p. , Illus. Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Lingala (lin) Bambara (bam) Descriptors: Jeunesse:Art et culture:-
Zones géographiques:-Keywords: Physics Education Class number: 530.0 Methods of Teaching Physics (Secondary and Tertiary Levels) [printed text] / Janusz Kuczynski, Author ; Boubakar Eisenstadt, Illustrator ; Lotika Sarkar, Conductor . - Khonkain : Khonkaen University, 1982 . - 395p. , Illus.
Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Lingala (lin) Bambara (bam)
Descriptors: Jeunesse:Art et culture:-
Zones géographiques:-Keywords: Physics Education Class number: 530.0 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status D1264 530.07 KKU Book nast CIR Available
Title : Perspectives on Contemporary Youth Material Type: printed text Authors: Janusz Kuczynski ; Boubakar Eisenstadt ; Lotika Sarkar Publisher: Tokyo : The United Nations University Publication Date: 1988 Pagination: 268p. ISBN (or other code): 978-92-808-0643-4 Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Contemporary Youth Psychological Perpectives Sociological Literature Perspectives on Contemporary Youth [printed text] / Janusz Kuczynski ; Boubakar Eisenstadt ; Lotika Sarkar . - Tokyo : The United Nations University, 1988 . - 268p.
ISBN : 978-92-808-0643-4
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Contemporary Youth Psychological Perpectives Sociological Literature Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2106 KUC Book nast CIR Available