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Implementing Diarrheal Disease Control Programs: the Pritech Experience / Karen White
Title : Implementing Diarrheal Disease Control Programs: the Pritech Experience Material Type: printed text Authors: Karen White ; Hanlon (ed) Eileen Publisher: Arlington : Management Sciences for Health Publication Date: 1993 Pagination: 236p. ISBN (or other code): 978-0-913723-30-2 Keywords: Health Education Diarrhea Class number: 616.3 Implementing Diarrheal Disease Control Programs: the Pritech Experience [printed text] / Karen White ; Hanlon (ed) Eileen . - Arlington : Management Sciences for Health, 1993 . - 236p.
ISBN : 978-0-913723-30-2
Keywords: Health Education Diarrhea Class number: 616.3 Copies (1)
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