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Author Mahesh Man Shrestha |
Available item(s) by this author

Irrigation Requirements and Its Scheduling for Different agro Climatic Regions of Nepal Terai / Mahesh Man Shrestha
Title : Irrigation Requirements and Its Scheduling for Different agro Climatic Regions of Nepal Terai Material Type: printed text Authors: Mahesh Man Shrestha ; Chandrakant S Desai Publisher: Kathmandu : Department of Agriculture Publication Date: 1980 Pagination: Includes Figures , Maps & Tables 108p. Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Original Language : English (eng) Descriptors: Art et culture:- Keywords: Irrigation Climatic Regions Nepal Terai Class number: 631.7 Irrigation Requirements and Its Scheduling for Different agro Climatic Regions of Nepal Terai [printed text] / Mahesh Man Shrestha ; Chandrakant S Desai . - Kathmandu : Department of Agriculture, 1980 . - Includes Figures , Maps & Tables 108p.
Languages : (Eng) French (fre) Original Language : English (eng)
Descriptors: Art et culture:- Keywords: Irrigation Climatic Regions Nepal Terai Class number: 631.7 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2136-2138 ,2135 ,2139 631.75496 SHR Book nast CIR Available Irrigation Requirements and Its Scheduling for Different agro Climatic Regions of Nepal Terai / Mahesh Man Shrestha
Title : Irrigation Requirements and Its Scheduling for Different agro Climatic Regions of Nepal Terai Material Type: printed text Authors: Mahesh Man Shrestha Publisher: Kathmandu : Department of Agriculture Publication Date: 1980 Pagination: 94 P. Includes Figures , Maps & Tables Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Irrigation Climate Nepal Terai Class number: 631.7 Irrigation Requirements and Its Scheduling for Different agro Climatic Regions of Nepal Terai [printed text] / Mahesh Man Shrestha . - Kathmandu : Department of Agriculture, 1980 . - 94 P. Includes Figures , Maps & Tables.
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Irrigation Climate Nepal Terai Class number: 631.7 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2135-39 631.75496 SHR Book nast CIR Available