Author details
Author Hernando Gomez Buendia |
Available item(s) by this author

Title : The Limits of the Global Village , Globalization , Nations and the State Material Type: printed text Authors: Hernando Gomez Buendia Publisher: Helsinki : unv/wider Publication Date: 1995 Pagination: 59p. Keywords: International Cooperation Globalization Economic Development Class number: 338.9 The Limits of the Global Village , Globalization , Nations and the State [printed text] / Hernando Gomez Buendia . - Helsinki : unv/wider, 1995 . - 59p.
Keywords: International Cooperation Globalization Economic Development Class number: 338.9 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3663 338.91 BUE Book nast CIR Available
Title : Urban Crime: Globe Trends and Policies Material Type: printed text Authors: Hernando Gomez Buendia Publisher: Tokyo : The United Nations University (UNU) Publication Date: 1989 Pagination: Ix , 450p. , Maps & Tables Languages : (Eng) Keywords: Urban Environment Government Policy Class number: 364.4 Urban Crime: Globe Trends and Policies [printed text] / Hernando Gomez Buendia . - Tokyo : The United Nations University (UNU), 1989 . - Ix , 450p. , Maps & Tables.
Languages : (Eng)
Keywords: Urban Environment Government Policy Class number: 364.4 Copies (1)
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 2424 364.4 BUE Book nast CIR Available